Five people you couldn't live without.
One; My mom.
Two; Jasmine.
Three; Buddah Bear.
Four; Uncle Wayne.
Five; Brook.
I love everyone else too, if I could put more, I would put John Michael, Uncle Michael, Christen, Grandpa, Grandma, Aunt Pam, Aunt Becky, Aunt Katie, All my cousins, All my married in aunts and uncles, and Sister Denmark.(:
You don't have to read my blog. I could care less either way, but if you do, don't judge me. I am trying to be real in a world where being fake is too common. I won't judge you if you promise not to judge me.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
Tweety bird is male.
Six things you wish you'd never done.
I wish I had never gotten to the point where I thought drugs were okay.
I wish I had never decided to cut myself to make myself feel better.
I wish I didn't trust half the people I have, because most of them have eff'd me over.
I wish I didn't ever tell my secret.
I wish I hadn't pushed everyone, that actually cared about me, away.
I wish I didn't let you guys get to me the way you have, that I was stronger.
I wish I had never gotten to the point where I thought drugs were okay.
I wish I had never decided to cut myself to make myself feel better.
I wish I didn't trust half the people I have, because most of them have eff'd me over.
I wish I didn't ever tell my secret.
I wish I hadn't pushed everyone, that actually cared about me, away.
I wish I didn't let you guys get to me the way you have, that I was stronger.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Hippopotamus sweat is red.
Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
One; What happens when you die?
Two; I just don't understand.
Three; Why is this person breathing/eating so freaking loud?
Four; Damn, I really need to go tanning.
Five; Awww, I miss them.
Six; Someone should text me.
Seven; Don't do it.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
A group of unicorns is called a blessing.
You know that feeling?
When you're waiting.
Waiting to go home, into your room,
close the door, fall into bed,
and just let everything out that you kept in all day.
That feeling of both relief and desperation.
Nothing is wrong.
But nothing is right either.
And you're tired.
Tired of everything, tired of nothing.
And you just want someone to
be there and tell you it's okay.
But no one's going to be there.
And you know you have to be strong
for yourself, because no one can fix you.
But you're tired of waiting.
Tired of having to be the one to fix yourself and everyone else.
Tired of being strong.
Or pretending to be strong.
And for once, you just want it to be easy.
To be simple. To be helped. To be saved.
But you know you won't be.
But you're still hoping.
And you're still wishing.
And you're still staying strong and fighting,
with tears in your eyes.
You're fighting.
When you're waiting.
Waiting to go home, into your room,
close the door, fall into bed,
and just let everything out that you kept in all day.
That feeling of both relief and desperation.
Nothing is wrong.
But nothing is right either.
And you're tired.
Tired of everything, tired of nothing.
And you just want someone to
be there and tell you it's okay.
But no one's going to be there.
And you know you have to be strong
for yourself, because no one can fix you.
But you're tired of waiting.
Tired of having to be the one to fix yourself and everyone else.
Tired of being strong.
Or pretending to be strong.
And for once, you just want it to be easy.
To be simple. To be helped. To be saved.
But you know you won't be.
But you're still hoping.
And you're still wishing.
And you're still staying strong and fighting,
with tears in your eyes.
You're fighting.
People with full bladders make better decisions.
Eight ways to win your heart.

Two; Show me your respect me. Don't belittle me or talk down to me. I don't ever want to feel like I don't amount to you. I want to feel like you don't only want me around for a 'pretty face', but you also value my opinions.
Three; Cook for me. It automatically adds 10 points to your handsome meter when you can manuver your way through a kitchen. Plus: if it tastes good, that is EXTRA hot.
Four; Be the guy I can take home to my family. I want my family to approve of you. If my uncles, grandpa, or brother doesn't like you, you probably won't be hearing from me again.
Five; Have ambition. No girl wants to date someone that is perfectly content working at the local mcdonalds for the rest of their life. I want someone who has dreams, goals, and aspirations. and I want someone that knows they will succeed in life.
Six; Care about your physical appearance. If you don't care about looking good for yourself, then you obviously don't care about impressing me. I want someone who takes time, every once in awhile, to make themselves look and feel their best.
Seven; Think highly of me. Don't be embarrassed to introduce me to your friends or family. I don't want you to consider us equals. I want you to look up to me. & to be proud of what you have.
Eight; Have talent. Seriously, it is so incredible being able to see a boy have a true passion in life. Work hard and don't give up on your talents.
Kissing can cause cavities.
Nine interesting facts about me.
1. For my eighth birthday my Uncle Myron gave me a stuffed animal, I named her Shakieyia, after my mom (sh) and cousin (Kieyia). There hasn't been a night, since I was eight, that I have slept without her. She is my security blanket, I love her.(:
2. I hardly know any of my family. They all live in Missouri and I live in Utah. The few that I do know either live here or come to visit, but everyone else, I couldn't tell you a thing about. This isn't my choice, I wish I had the relationship with them that everyone else does, but none of them really even like me.
3. I am one of the worst people to try and keep in touch with. I don't see the point in trying to have a relationship with friends that live forever away. It's too much effort and eventually you grow apart anyway, so what's the point in trying from the beginning?
4. I have an obsession with horoscopes, numerology, and anything of those sorts. I love learning things about myself and these things always happen to be true. I would read them everyday, if I could remember or if I wasn't so busy.
5. I have an obsession with Mickey Mouse & zebra print. I would die if I didn't have these two things in my life. I don't know where my obsessions with Mickey Mouse began, but I love him, he is the legit Disney character, I love him.<33 And zebra, I think it began when I was in like tenth grade, I don't know, but it is one of the only God-made prints, and it's so beautiful. I love it, ahhh, I just love them.(:
6.You can be mad at me, hurt by me, upset at my actions, and I won't really feel a thing, but the moment someone says they are disappointed in me, my heart breaks. That is one of the worst words in the English language. It hurts, because it means they had higher expectations for you, and you didn't live up to them.
7. If you just looked at me and didn't know me, you would think I didn't care about a thing anyone said about me. The truth is, I care so much. I want to make a note card confession video so bad, but I am scared of what I would want to put in it. I am scared that everyone would hate me, that I'd be called a liar, or that I would be judged more. I hate that people get this affect on me, I wish I was strong.
8. I am not shy around people I don't know. I will say whatever I am feeling, and not be ashamed of it. But as soon as I know the person, I freak out, I become shy. I make things so awkward and I basically push people away. I don't do it on purpose, I just can't help myself. To actually know someone means you spent enough time with them for them to know you, I don't want anyone to know the real me.
9. I used to write in a journal, every night, but I stopped when I was a junior, because I went back to read all my journals and all that was in them was lies. I didn't want people to know my true feelings and such, so I began to lie in my journal, so what's the point of having one? There isn't. So I don't keep one anymore.
1. For my eighth birthday my Uncle Myron gave me a stuffed animal, I named her Shakieyia, after my mom (sh) and cousin (Kieyia). There hasn't been a night, since I was eight, that I have slept without her. She is my security blanket, I love her.(:
2. I hardly know any of my family. They all live in Missouri and I live in Utah. The few that I do know either live here or come to visit, but everyone else, I couldn't tell you a thing about. This isn't my choice, I wish I had the relationship with them that everyone else does, but none of them really even like me.
3. I am one of the worst people to try and keep in touch with. I don't see the point in trying to have a relationship with friends that live forever away. It's too much effort and eventually you grow apart anyway, so what's the point in trying from the beginning?
4. I have an obsession with horoscopes, numerology, and anything of those sorts. I love learning things about myself and these things always happen to be true. I would read them everyday, if I could remember or if I wasn't so busy.
6.You can be mad at me, hurt by me, upset at my actions, and I won't really feel a thing, but the moment someone says they are disappointed in me, my heart breaks. That is one of the worst words in the English language. It hurts, because it means they had higher expectations for you, and you didn't live up to them.
7. If you just looked at me and didn't know me, you would think I didn't care about a thing anyone said about me. The truth is, I care so much. I want to make a note card confession video so bad, but I am scared of what I would want to put in it. I am scared that everyone would hate me, that I'd be called a liar, or that I would be judged more. I hate that people get this affect on me, I wish I was strong.
8. I am not shy around people I don't know. I will say whatever I am feeling, and not be ashamed of it. But as soon as I know the person, I freak out, I become shy. I make things so awkward and I basically push people away. I don't do it on purpose, I just can't help myself. To actually know someone means you spent enough time with them for them to know you, I don't want anyone to know the real me.
9. I used to write in a journal, every night, but I stopped when I was a junior, because I went back to read all my journals and all that was in them was lies. I didn't want people to know my true feelings and such, so I began to lie in my journal, so what's the point of having one? There isn't. So I don't keep one anymore.
Monday, June 20, 2011
A crocodile can't stick out his tongue.

Banana peels can be used to purify water.
I have strange obsession with Tumblr right now.
I freaking love that site, a lot.
It is kind of ridiculous how often I get on it.
I just like all the little pictures and quotes I find on there, they are either hilarious or remind me of me.
I don't know, I freaking love that site.
I am debating on weather or not to give you guys my URL, because there are some things I know you guys wouldn't like.
Hmmm, I don't know?(:
"For it isn't your father or mother or wife whose judgement upon you must pass. The fellow whose verdict counts most is the one staring back from the glass."
-Peter "dale: Winbrow Sr.
I constantly wonder how my life looks in other people's eyes. Do they think I have it easy? Do they think I have nothing going for myself? Or are they fascinated with who I am? The thing is that no one will ever know my whole story. No one will ever know the things I've had to overcome. -Not even my closest friends, not even my own family. The thing is that people are so quick to judge now a days. You only see a person from what they want and allow you to see. If only everyone knew how broken I am, and how I'm holding on for dear life on this one last strand that's recently become very delicate. The truth is that no one really knows me. No one will ever know me, and sometimes that scares me, because no one will ever know why I am the way I am.
There is a town in France named condom:
Ten things to ten people.
When you turned eighteen is when we began to drift apart, but somehow grow close at the same time. I can never even explain it. You decided to get your 'new friends' and your 'new life' and you basically forgot all about me. I say basically, because every time you needed me, you would call or text me, but that was really only when you needed me. I don't know when you decided you were too good for me, or when they were more important than me, but it hurts to be dropped like that. We used to have so much fun together, but now whenever we are hanging out you are always texting and aren't really there. You are such an amazing girl, and I know you don't intentionally do the stuff you do to me, or mean to hurt me. I, partly, think that no matter what you know I will always be here for you and so you push me to the side until you need me, but maybe that isn't it. I don't know. Whatever it is, it sucks. I hope it changes soon.
I don't even know where to start. You are one of my favorite people on this earth. I look up to you so much and I don't know where I'd be without you. I know we hardly talk any more, because neither of us are the same people we were, but I do l love you and miss you. You were my favorite young womens leader, ever. We always had so much fun together, I loved every minute of it. I loved all the talks we had in your car, all the letters you wrote me, all the memories we made. I wish I wasn't a disappointment and we had the relationship we used to. I want nothing, but to be close again. I hate the small talk we had when we last saw each one another.
You made my life a living hell. I always wonder if you are living your life day by day, while I sit here thinking about everything that happened, do you even remember?
Darwin Sr.:
I love you, I know it's been eleven years since I've seen you, but I am so scared to see you again. I don't want to, I like the relationship we have now, where I can call you and text you. I don't want to see you, right now, but I am so scared to actually say this to you.
Stop being a pushover, stand up for yourself. Stop trying to convince everyone how amazing you are and getting everyone to love you, I loved you when you didn't even know his name. You were strong and amazing to me my whole childhood, so forget everyone else.
Baby brother, I want so much better for you, I don't think you will ever understand how much you are messing up your life. You have so many people that care about you, let them. Take this from me, I pushed everyone away that said they cared and now here I am, alone. Let people care, trust them, don't mess up your life like I have. You were meant to shine, yes, life sucks some days, but remember the days that life was good. You have to learn that some people don't remember things like you (darwin sr.), so just let it go, move on, he's your dad. Some girls are idiots, they aren't worth your tears. You are amazing, you have such a sweet heart and I love you so much.
I love you, enough said.
I wanted you to be my dad, but you just proved to me that you are just like every other man in the world.
Uncle Wayne:
You have been on my mind for the past couple days. I love you so much, I don't think you will ever truly know how much you mean to me. Those texts I sent the other day weren't even 1/4 of how I feel. You are my hero, always have been, always will be. You are such an amazing dad and uncle. We are all so lucky to have you in our family. You have always been there for me, even when I didn't realize you were. You and Aunt Angie believed me, and for that I owe you so much. I was so scared as a little girl and you always made me feel so comfortable. You were the first male I trusted, and I have never been scared of you. I can never even begin to explain how amazing you are and how much you mean to me, I love you so much. Thanks for being there for me and believing me.
I freaking love you so much, you are the only true friend I have ever had. We always have so much fun together even when we are doing nothing. I think you are the only person that can get on my nerves the way you do, but I still love you. I am going to miss you so much, I hate that you had to leave. I love you dude.
day one: ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
day two: nine interesting facts about yourself.
day two: nine interesting facts about yourself.
day three: eight ways to win your heart.
day four: seven things that cross your mind a lot.
day five: six things you wish you’d never done.
day six: five people you couldn’t live without.
day seven: four moments that changed your life.
day eight: three favorite foods, movies, and colors.
day nine: two words that describe your life right now.
day ten: one confession.
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