2011 is the year that went by so fast, maybe a little too fast. It's the year your so called friend walks out of your life, and it's the year you realize who the real ones are. It's the year you felt the most pressure to the point where you gave up so many times, but you're still learning to get back up. It's the year you said you were going to accomplish great things, yet, you feel feel like you just wasted time. It's the year you cried over too many pointless things, too many times. It's the year you look back on all the lifetime memories in which you find yourself missing the people in them. But it's also the year you move on, slowly, and you realize that, that is okay. :) 2011, is also the year where you learn about yourself, how much you can actually take, how strong you have become. It is the year where you opened up and learn to try and trust someone. Goodbye 2011. Thanks for all you taught me. 2012? I hope you teach me just as much.<3

2012 is the year that I wish for change. I wish that every person will be accepted no matter what or who they are. I wish that those who do drugs will realize how much it hurts those around them. I wish that suicide will become a thing of the past and that love takes it's place. I wish that understanding takes the place of judgement. I wish families would forgive one another. I wish the walls of everyone's heart will be knocked down. I wish everyone would learn to stand up for themselves and stop being doormats. I wish those who self-harm will stop getting called attention whores and get help. I wish you all would stop caring about yourselves and start caring about others. I wish everyone would believe in God or at least stop calling those who do believe stupid. I wish we could stop disease and hunger in the world. I wish for world peace. I wish all the troops can come home and be with their children and families. I wish all the murders would stop hurting innocent people. I wish happiness to all the children. I wish sexual predators would stop harming souls. I wish those who are not with their families will go home. I wish parents would accept their children no matter who they decide to love. I wish being overweight didn't matter. I wish houses would stop getting foreclosed on. I wish people would stop being greedy. I wish that instead of judging your neighbor you decide to help them. I wish for everyone to have a friend. I wish that all the past be forgotten. I wish the past won't repeat itself. I wish everyone would support our troops. I wish everyone will support one another. I wish right would always win. I wish the words; gay, faggot, retard, slut, whore, and hoe would be come extinct. I wish the phrase, 'you asked for it' would stop being used when talking to victims of abuse. I just wish so much for you 2012.
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